Queensland handlers camp 2023

qld highland
We had a fabulous weekend at the Queensland Highland Breeders Junior Handlers Camp. We caught up with old friends and made some pretty great new ones. The future for highland breeders in Queensland is looking bright.
I’m so proud of my Haylee for not only winning Junior handler and the Junior Judge competitions but for stepping up and leading multiple different animals. Her aim this weekend was to help as many young handlers as she could and I think she did a awesome job mentoring them. Liam our farm volunteer also took every opportunity to learn new skills. You’re amazing Liam!
Thank you to Sam from Narraburra Farm – Kooroongarra, Darling Downs for organising the event and all the breeders, guest speakers and judges who gave their time and expertise.

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(By appointment only)

117 Neumann rd

Calvert QLD 4340


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